Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Beginninng

My entire life, I have had experiences that I explained away.   A belt hanging on a hook began to swing, seeing movement out of the corner of my eye, cold spots, the sensation of being touched, feeling like someone was behind me, all of these things happened fairly regularly. I kept most of these moments to myself.  Mainly because when I did mention it to my mother, she had a rational reason to explain these situations.  As a child, her comforting conclusions made sense, but when she passed when I was 16, I lost her ability of making these things less scary and I had to figure them out for myself.  Mostly, I ignored the things that were happening around me that I could not explain.  I avoided the guest bedroom at all costs.  It was cold in there year round, and it felt creepy.  I slept with the light on and music playing. And my back was always against the wall.  Stuff happened a lot.  And then I had a few years of quiet before crazy kicked in.

There is really nothing very special about me.  I'm your average woman who works hard and plays hard.  One who thrives on the random acts of kindness, and who loves life and most of the people in it.  I am sensitive to the point of miserable and I feel guilt over the stupidest things. Other than picking up on other people's emotions... Let's just say, I am normal.  I live a normal life that is full of love and joy.  BUT, there have been events that I cannot explain.  And the activity has begun to increase.  This is my story.

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